Monday 23 March 2015

The data processing cycle

The data processing activities are common to all data processing system from manual to electronic system. These activities can be grouped in four functional categories, viz., data input data processing data output and storage constituting what is known as a data processing cycle.

(i)                Input

The term input refers to the activities required to record data and to make it available for processing. The input can also include the steps necessary to check, verify, data contents.

(ii)              Processing

The term processing denotes the actual data manipulation techniques such as classifying, sorting, calculating, summarizing, comparing, etc. that converts data into information.

(iii)             Output

It is a communication function which transimts the information, generated after processing of the data, to persons who need the information. Sometimes output also include decoding activity which converts the electronically generated information into human-readable form.

(iv)             Storage

It involves the filling of data and information for future use:-

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